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Anderson County Schools

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Pandemic fatigue and COVID burnout are very real experiences we have likely all felt. We are quicker to snap at loved ones. We frequently feel overwhelmed. We seldom feel recognized when we do put in the effort. Those feelings can be documented across the board in all professions; however, if you have been following national and local news stories then you know that one profession hit very hard with burnout has been educators. Whether it’s due to concern over students’ physical and emotional well-being, worry about students’ academic growth, added stress from a teacher’s growing workload, or concern for their own (or their family’s) social and emotional well-being, educators are drowning.
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Posted Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Sitting in a meeting with the board at Anderson County Schools or watching the live stream of the meeting, one thing becomes perfectly clear: our school board makes decisions that are informed by feedback from all stakeholders and is focused primarily on what is best for the students in our district. Have we gotten parent input, student input, staff input, community input? Check. Will this new program help recover some of the student learning loss? Are we targeting intervention services? Will this decision provide clear and direct aid to students? Check, check, and check. This is the process Superintendent Mitchell and the rest of the board follow in all decisions to ensure that each choice is informed and focused on best practices for the students in our schools. So too with the choices of how our district should spend the federal and state relief funds provided for COVID-Relief.
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Posted Monday, February 7, 2022
LAWRENCEBURG, Ky-- As the winter weather continues to impact our area, many of us recall fond childhood memories of snow days off of school spent lazing about our homes, sporadically going outside to play in the snow. When we would return to school, our teachers would spend time refreshing our memories on our most recent lessons before continuing on to new content. We all loved those snow days, but what we did not enjoy were the warm summer days tacked on to the end of the school year that had to be used as make-up days. The warm breeze wafting through the classroom window seemed to call louder than the snow ever did.
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Posted Monday, January 17, 2022
As you know, the CDC and Public Health released new Covid-19 guidance for schools this week.  I've been in consultation with our local Health Department, KDE and Cumberland Family Medical.  The Education Commissioner also held a webex for superintendents yesterday that included consultation with Dr. Connie White.  The new guidance has several changes and we have updated the Test to Stay document, put together a summary of changes document and provided the attachments below.
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Posted Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Schedule Following Thanksgiving Break:

Anderson County Schools will be moving to districtwide NTI (virtual instruction for all) beginning Monday, November 30th through Friday, December 18th. See information below.School will be in session Thursday, November 19th and Friday, November 20th. Students will receive any needed materials for the NTI period on Friday, November 20th. 

(Note: According to the Governors order, elementary schools may return to in person instruction after December 7th if the community is not in red. Please watch for further information if this is the case)

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Posted Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Anderson County Schools will continue with our current schedule of in person instruction for the week of Monday, November 16th through Friday, November 20th. This decision was made in consultation with the local health department due to the low positivity rate and transmission rate within Anderson County Schools among students and staff. NTI assignments will be available for families that prefer their student to stay at home due to Covid-19 concerns.

Current active positive Covid-19 cases in ACSchools:

Staff: 2 (Transportation Department - with no resulting Student or Staff Quarantines

Students: 2 (1 ACHS Student, 1 Virtual Student)

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Posted Friday, November 13, 2020
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Anderson County Schools    1160 Bypass North    Lawrenceburg, KY 40342    502-839-3406
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The Anderson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Anderson County Title IX Coordinator, Travis Harley. He may be contacted at the district office, located at 1160 Bypass N. Lawrenceburg, KY 40342; by phone at 502-839-3406 or by email at [email protected]