School Counseling Curriculum (Guidance Lessons): Structured lessons designed to help students attain the desired competencies and to provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills appropriate for their developmental level. Guidance lessons cover the following topics: friendship, bullying, healthy life choices, hygiene, study skills, sharing, anger management, coping skills, KSA readiness skills, classroom rules/ safety, self-esteem, kindness/ manners, careers, grief, and much more!
Group Counseling: Planned activities outside the classroom promoting academic, career or social/emotional development. This is usually groups of 4-6 students who have the same counseling need. Groups will be conducted outside of instructional classroom time.
Individual Counseling: Planned, short-term and goal-focused counseling. Note: School counselors do not provide mental health counseling services, therapy, or long-term counseling within the schools.
Crisis Response: Provide support and assistance to students and families as they navigate crisis and emergency situations.
Collaboration: Work with other educators, parents and the community to support student growth academically, behaviorally, emotionally, and socially.
Promote Attendance: Teach students the importance of being at school to learn and provide fun monthly activities for students to participate in when they’ve reached their attendance goals!
Promote Positive Behavior: Provide Saffell students with the Dojo Store
Referrals: Refer parents/families to outside agencies or groups for additional information and support.
504: Plan developed to ensure that a child (who has a medically diagnosed disability)receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.