Does your student need extra Math Practice?
Our Math Intervention Team has created a math webpage with parent and student resources and video tutorials on how to help your child with math.
Your child has access to computer programs after school hours.
Study Island- This program is great for practicing Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies. Happy Numbers Math
To Log onto the programs students go to Then log in with their school google account (their school email and their password that they use daily). If your child does not rememeber their log in, please contact their teacher.
Does your student need extra Reading Practice?
Learning to read is made up of 5 key areas. Listed below are the key areas and some simple things families can do at home to help your child in each of these areas.
Phonemic Awareness- Phonemic Awareness is the ability to distinguish, produce, remember and manipulate sounds in words. This is the basic building block of reading.
How to help at home: Play games to rhyme words.
Count the sounds in words.
Ask students to name the beginning sound in words like cat ("c"). Ask them to identify the ending sound ('t"). Ask them to identify the middle sound. Ask them what sound they would change if they changed cat to hat ("c" to a "h").
Phonics: Phonics is the knowledge of letter or letter combinations and the sounds they create. It is also knowing syllables and word parts.
How to help at home: Use letter tiles to build words and practice sounding out or decoding the words.
Fluency: The ability to read text with speed and accuracy
How to help at home: Read each night for 20 minutes.
Vocabulary: Knowledge of word meanings.
How to help at home: Include your child in conversations. Use higher level words when speaking to your children. Read to your child. One of the best way to learn new vocabulary words is through read alouds.
Comprehension: The complex process of understanding text through decoding, background knowledge and verbal reasoning.
How to help at home: Practice retelling Stories that were read. Ask questions about stories as you read.
Parent Resource links:
Did you know?
Saffell's reading department offers check-out books, Family Literacy Games, and We Both Read books to assist parents of struggling readers. To check out any of these resources, contact Ms. Gott or Ms. Kidwell at Saffell.
Your child has access to computer programs after school hours.
Lexia is an individualized reading program.
Study Island- Is great practice for Reading Comprehension
The Anderson County Public Library offers multiple resources and activities for struggling readers. Stop by the local library for more information.
We also offer many literacy and math events after school each year. Check your student's backpack for upcoming parent literacy events held throughout the year.
For additional assistance contact the reading department Mrs. Gott and Mrs. Kidwell at (502)839-3565.